Aaron Judge Interview After 61

Aaron Judge Interview After 61, Aaron Judge's interview after hitting his 61st home run of the season. Aaron Judge is a, Dance, aaron-judge-interview-after-61, News Popular

Aaron Judge's interview after hitting his 61st home run of the season.

Aaron Judge is a professional baseball player for the New York Yankees. He set a new record for home runs in a season by hitting his 61st home run on September 28th, 2022. After the game, he gave an interview where he talked about his historic achievement and what it meant to him.

In the interview, Judge was asked about how he felt after hitting his 61st home run. He said that he was just happy to be able to do it in front of these fans and that it was a special moment for him. He also talked about how he couldn't have done it without his teammates and how their support has been crucial throughout the season.

Judge's achievement was widely celebrated on social media, with many people congratulating him on his record-breaking performance.

Here are some websites that discuss Aaron Judge's interview after hitting his 61st home run:
- [The Star](https://www.thestar.com/news/world/us/2022/12/30/aaron-judge-is-ap-male-athlete-of-year-after-setting-hr-mark.html)
- [Sports Illustrated](https://www.si.com/mlb/yankees/news/new-york-yankees-share-special-moment-together-after-aaron-judge-hits-61st-home-run)
- [Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/sports/aaron-judges-61st-home-run-lights-up-social-media)